Shamanism is a truly ancient healing tradition. It is rooted in our connection with ourselves, our ancestors, and nature. It helps us to work within community to heal each other and to be more in harmony with the land. Intention, prayer, ritual, and offerings are used to strengthen this connection. 

As a shamanic practitioner I act as a bridge between the physical visible world and the spiritual immaterial realm.  Sound, through the use of drumming, rattling, and song, allows me to enter an altered state of consciousness to connect with my guides and allies to witness and gain deeper understanding of the spiritual root of what needs healing.

Shamanic healings combine and integrate various techniques, as outlined below.

Spirit extraction

Intrusions, or negative energy that does not belong in the body, can cause imbalances and dis-ease and negatively impact our wellbeing. These intrusions can build up in our daily lives from situations we feel trapped in, arguments, stress, and criticism. This can create low self-worth, self-destructive patterns of behaviour and negative belief systems that are difficult to change, creating a sense of being stuck and unable to move forward.

This powerful technique can release those energies, creating the opportunity to restore balance and heal.

Power retrieval

Once an intrusion has been removed a client’s personal power can be retrieved, bringing reconnection, vitality, and protection.

Soul retrieval

When someone undergoes a traumatic or shocking experience part of their soul/essence can fragment and leave the body. This could happen in childhood or, indeed, even in the womb. Symptoms of soul loss include acute anxiety, depression, lack of direction or motivation, and feelings of not being whole.

This potent healing technique can have profound effects. Once fully integrated, a person can feel more connected to their authentic self, allowing their unique gifts and talents to blossom.

Ancestral healing

We all come from a long line of descendants. Through our DNA we may inherit unresolved wounding and loyalties that tie us into a story, on a conscious or unconscious level. We may often be repeating a pattern that has been playing out for centuries through our ancestors, and still lives within us.

By going back to the core-wound these patterns and the ancestral grief attached to them, may be released and healing can occur for the ancestors, the client, and future generations.


When a person dies in shocking or traumatic circumstances, such as murder, suicide, or sudden death, they may become trapped in the middle world and be unable to move on fully. Any of the associated feelings of the departed soul, such as confusion, anger, and a sense of being lost, can be picked up by others who remain in this world.

Psychopomp healing helps to guide the departed soul on to the light. Helping the dead to heal can greatly benefit the living.

Session details

Healings can be done face-to-face or remotely.

Each session lasts two hours. The exchange for this is £165.

Please email, or call me, to book a session.


“I found Donna's presence deeply nurturing and intuitive. She was extremely generous with her time and energy in the powerful sessions. I felt loved and supported at all times. She listened carefully and tuned into my issues and needs. I think Donna has a gift when it comes to connecting with people and the spiritual dimension.”

Tara Gould

“Donna is an incredible healer, each session has been life changing. Even though the experience can sometimes be quite intense and some of the revelations are surprising, the whole time I know that I’m in good hands and can just lie back and relax. Donna’s the real deal and I would whole-heartedly recommend her to anyone looking to improve their life!”

Lee Tatlock

“I was feeling stuck and overwhelmed in a heavy depression which had reached its lowest point. I knew that I needed help and decided to give this a try. I can say now, four years on, I feel the most free and full of joy I've ever felt! I absolutely trust and feel safe when working with Donna; she’s always non-judgemental, compassionate, and a highly skilled practitioner.


“Donna’s massively experienced and holistic in her approach. The treatment was through distance healing and the energy and vibrations that I experienced were as strong as if I was in the room with her…she is an exceptional healer.”

Ben Alexander

“The healing was an incredible feeling that has lasted and helped me move forward. I feel clear and in a headspace that I've not felt in years. It has vastly improved my mental wellbeing. I feel grounded and ready for the future, not afraid of it.”


“My husband Tony had shamanic healing with Donna. The healing she gave him was life-changing. She managed to give him everything he needed to get well and leave past patterns behind. You couldn't be in safer hands.”

Jill and Tony F.

“Donna's healing was powerful in its extraction quality and yet gentle and harmonious with her diagnosis and her vision of what it was that was needed. This healing was a real turning point for me, which enabled many other things needed in my life to fall into place around it.”

David Marriott

“Just over a month on from our healing session and the difference is incredible - I feel so much stronger, lighter, and more like myself than I have ever felt before. I found all of the advice you gave me regarding aftercare so incredibly helpful during the process of integrating the healing. Your instructions were so detailed and personalised that I felt empowered to deal with any challenge that arose during the integration period.”

Grace Flynn

“ I've had healing before with others but not felt a level of sincerity that I felt with you or such a difference. Your kindness, non judgemental way and genuine care to help shines through and I feel after our session like I've shed a huge chunk of "domineering patriarchy" energy that was "drowning out the feminine.”


“I left yours feeling so much more myself! I felt like a part of me had returned I knew a lot had been released and I felt so much lighter and clear headed and the pain in my spleen disappeared and never ever came back. So that was all incredible

I turned a huge spiritual corner this week and cleaned and set up my altar again and it looks beautiful and feels good. I think I’ve shed a skin, been squeezed out of my lobster shell and started to break out of the cocoon. Feeling much stronger and more able to see the value in the lessons learned over the last few months. 

I can now definitely see a path forward and all of the beauty in life. I am changed; stronger, braver, more boundaried, ready to live my own life.

And that feels fucking marvellous!

You have been the safest shelter in such a shit storm and your words of advice and understanding along with your gifts of healing medicine and compassion have given me the sweetest solace and restored my faith in many things. “

Dawn Edgar

Once again thank you so much for today, I can already feel that it has been a massive help! I feel a lot lighter and more positive, my partner said I seem taller too since the session - I don't know if that is just coincidental or if letting go of the negative energy has helped me stand taller, metaphorically and literally! 



Medicine walks